We're an online-only film festival that runs once a year in October with a screenplay competition as well. Shorts, features, web series, music videos, documentaries, scripts, etc. can all be submitted. Creepy physical venues are inviting for ghosts but they limit how many people can actually see your work (not to mention with traditional festivals, you usually have to go there to promote your screening to get people to actually show up even at bigger ones). Would you rather ten people see it or hundreds? Possibly even thousands? To err on the safe side, we just screen TRAILERS for our shorts and features unless you don't mind us showing the whole thing. This way you won't piss off potential distributors. This is a festival to celebrate YOUR pride and joy so we want you to be happy.
You can see how our online festival works by visiting our Screening Room.
Being a part of our lovely little festival makes you eligible for our coveted Carnage Awards including Best Feature, Best Short, Best Web Series, Best Music Video, Best Animation, Best Documentary, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Special Effects, Best Sound, and Best Score. Plus, Best Short Script and Best Feature Script are available for the submitted screenplays. Certain awards may be eliminated if not enough entries are received.
Who are we? Mission and Monster Squad has the answers. Sorry we're not a druid cult... not yet anyway.
Also be sure to read our ghoulish Terms and Conditions. By submitting a film and/or script to us, you must accept them in full without modification (scary legal speak... oh yippie).

Official Selections
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

Plus a few other films without posters. The full list will be under Carnage Awards. If your poster is missing, contact us and we'll add it. Posters for scripts are welcome too.